Training your pet is a challenging process where you need lots of patience. Training your pet kitten is very different from training a puppy. The behavioral psychology of animals is different; dogs and cats are independent animals, and taking orders is not one of their favorite things to do. If you start training your pet kittens early, you will see a difference. Training any pet at a later age is mostly unsuccessful unless you want to do it at a professional level.

With the few steps below, you can efficiently train your pet kittens:


  1. The Weaning Period

How long should a kitten stay with its mother is a crucial thing to decide. Usually, cats wean their kitten off their milk around one or two months. By this time, the kittens are fully ready to start solid foods. Separating the kittens from their mothers at an early age is detrimental to the kitten. It remains malnourished and finds it hard to socialize in the future. The weaning does not stop entirely after eight weeks; kittens still wean, but the consumption gets low.


  1. Training For The Litter Box

Cats are very caring for their kittens; they spend more time with them and train them. Cats calm their kittens through behavioral techniques. They lick their kittens to stimulate the kitten to use the bathroom. If you are caring for the kitten on your own, then use a soft cloth to facilitate the process of nature’s call after each feed. Be kind to them; patience is the main thing for training any pet. You can now introduce the litter box to your tiny friend; once you teach them to use the litter, your life will become easy. You can opt for silica cat litter if you want to avoid throwing the waste outside. There are several pros of using this litter box as it is highly absorbent and does not make a mess.

Litter boxes, also known as a little tray, cat pan, or litter holder, fill the tray with litter up to two inches; this amount is enough to make the kitten comfortable to do its business. Good bathroom training means that you can avoid mess and smell in the house. Using two litter boxes can also prove helpful, especially if you have more than one kitten. Use a simple litter box or opt for automated litter boxes, but the vibrations can frighten kittens.


  1. Socialize With Your Kitten

You can train your kitten to obey and socialize more by rewarding it. This positive reinforcement encourages the kitten to repeat all the right things. The kitten remembers the appreciation and tries to make it a habit to get the treat. Cats and kittens like to gain attention; therefore, if your kitten exhibits undesirable habits, ignore the kitten if the unwanted behavior continues. When you pay less attention, they will stop doing it; clawing and making unusual sounds is a way of gaining the human’s attention.


  1. Help them identify the house

After a few days of their birth, you will notice how naughty these little felines can be. They will chase you around the house, rummage through all your belongings, and will explore every corner of the house. Undeniably, there may be some spots in the house can that prove harmful for kittens. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that you train the kittens to avoid going into certain places, such as the dishwasher or the laundry room. Training little kittens is similar to caring for crawling babies; you cannot let them wander around the house independently.


  1. Teach Them To Revert To Sounds

It will take some time, but your kitten will learn to reply to your commands. Name your kittens, and whenever you call them, they will show up. It is essential for their safety; if you take your cat out in public, and it goes out of sight, you can call them back by calling out to them. They are smart animals and recognize their owner’s voice too.

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The Final Word

Having a pet keeps you happy and relaxes your mind. It is better to start training the kittens at an early age as they may refuse to learn new things once they are old. Kittens are the cutest pets; keeping a kitten means lots of responsibilities. If you cannot commit some time and effort for them, then do not own a pet. Kittens are ready for training after they wean off from their mother’s feed. If you plan to adopt a kitten, give the kitten at least ten weeks with the mother. After that, they start taking solid food. It is efficient to train them to use the litter box, obey commands, and introduce good eating habits at this stage. Spend more time with your kitten, offer treats, and keep them disciplined.


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